Kingsway International Christian Centre believes in fasting. In both the Old and New Testaments, we see a scriptural basis for fasting. EXAMPLES OF OLD TESTAMENT FASTING: Moses fasted and brought deliverance to Israel. Deuteronomy 9:9-18 David fasted in repentance before God when he committed the sin of adultery. 2 Sam 12:1-23 Daniel fasted to receive …


Kingsway International Christian Centre believes in fasting. In both the Old and New Testaments, we see a scriptural basis for fasting.


  • Moses fasted and brought deliverance to Israel. Deuteronomy 9:9-18
  • David fasted in repentance before God when he committed the sin of adultery. 2 Sam 12:1-23
  • Daniel fasted to receive revelation from God. Daniel 10:1-3
  • Elijah fasted and experienced great anointing. 1 Kings 19:4-8


  • Jesus fasted when He was on earth, and so did His disciples. Matthew 4:1-2 
  • History reveals that fasting has been practised in church throughout antiquity and in the days of Accounts show that Luther, Calvin and Knox all fasted regularly.


Whilst as a church we believe in fasting, before anyone embarks on a period of abstinence from food, the following are important guidelines to consider.
  • Fasting for a long period of time, for example, 30 or 60 days, does not mean abstinence from food for the complete period of time, that is, 24 hours or longer.
  • An individual can break at any time during the day, providing they feel they have prayed sufficiently.
  • If an individual is on medication or is pregnant, we advise that they seek medical counsel.
  • In cases of fasting for more than a half-day, it is advisable to drink fluid, for example, water.
  • Children under the age of 16 are not advised to go on long periods of fasting without supervision and consent of parents.


1. Attitude:
  • Purity of speech and living is crucial during a period of Ephesians 4:29; Colossians 3:8; I Peter 1:14-15; 3:10-12; Romans 12:2
  • Fasting should also be carried out with a heart of The heart of compassion is reflected in distributing the saved food to the needy and less fortunate.
  • Going back to eat all the saved food during fasting not only negates the purpose of fasting but also suggests that no discipline was achieved during the period of As a result, the human body can experience an explosion in size.
2. Length of time:

The length of your fast should be determined by what you desire to receive and what the need is. It is important to fast until you truly feel that what you have made a sacrifice for as you wait on God has been achieved.

3. Preparation for fasting:
It is inadvisable to fast for a long period of time without preparing the body first. It is possible for the body to go for long periods of time without food, but not without water.
4. Medical Obersations:

It is extremely important that you talk to your doctor, before engaging in fasting that requires more than 24 hours without food so that the name of the Lord is not brought into disrepute.


  1. Fasting should be carried out with a heart of compassion Isaiah 58:7b; c 
  1. Saved food during a period of fasting should be distributed or its money equivalent given to the needy and less fortunate. Isaiah 58:7a 
  1. Fasting should be for a set time. The length of your fast should be determined by what you desire to receive and what the need is. Esther 4:16, I Chronicles 10:12, Matthew 4:2 
  1. Professional medical advice is needed for fasting that requires more than 24 hours without food so that the name of the Lord is not brought into disrepute.  I Corinthians 14:20