Kingsway Bible Institute

HomeKingsway Bible Institute
Kingsway Bible Institute (KBI) is one of the various departments in the Kingsway International Christian Center (KICC). It is a training division of the Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC).

The main objective of KBI is to help believers actualize the vision of KICC which is to – grow up, grow big and grow together. The vehicles for attaining the vision are the New Beginners, Baptism, Membership, Stewardship and Discipleship classes.
We as the Church of the living God are living in a critical time when there is a great attack on sound doctrine. There is a turning away from doctrinal matters and a turning to the philosophies of men and doctrines of devils.
As a result, KICC has designed the Christianity 101 course in order to help you know:
a) who you believe,
b) what you believe and,
c) why you believe it.

The training programme is divided into three sections that cover all you need to know on;
• the importance and significance of Water Baptism by immersion, (8 weeks)
• how to become a member of KICC (16 weeks) and
• becoming a worker in the church (8 weeks).
Also included in the course is the Statement of Faith of KICC. There are 43 lessons in total. After each lesson, there are study questions. At the end of each study question, there are self-assessment questions.


The various classes hold every Sunday from 9.00am to 9.55am. A list of various classes and the criterion for attendance are as follows:
1. New Beginners Class
This class is designed to assist persons who are yet to know Jesus Christ as their lord and saviour. These converts are the people spotted by KBI stewards on Sundays during the classes. The New Beginners Class lasts for 1 week and the new convert is expected to move on to the next class which is the baptism class.

Criteria for Attendance
Attendance is or those who are yet to be born again.
2. Baptism Class – 8 Weeks
This class is designed to prepare believers for water baptism. It is also the first class which every believer who has not been baptized by immersion in water is required to attend. The class lasts for a period of 8 weeks and after completion, baptismal class students will be required to attend a compulsory baptismal interview and if they are successful, they will be baptized in church and given certificates of baptism.

Criteria for Attendance
You must be born again
After baptism, students are expected to move to the next class which is the membership class.
3. Membership Class – 16 Weeks
This class comprising of two 8-week sessions is designed to prepare those who desire to become members of KICC and not just attendees. Persons who have been baptized and who desire to be members of KICC must attend this class. The class lasts for a period of 16 weeks and after completion, membership class students will be required to attend a compulsory membership interview and if successful, their names will be advertised on the church notice board. If no one objects to their membership, they will be accepted into the membership of the church at a membership acceptance ceremony in the church.

Criteria for Attendance
• You must be born again
• You must be baptized by immersion in water
• You must have attended KICC for a minimum of 4 months
• You must not be co- habiting
• You must be a tither
• you must attend the Caring heart Fellowship (CHF) regularly
• You must believe in the Trinity (father, son and Holy Spirit).
• Strive to attain a high level of spirituality i.e. speaking in tongues.
Students are expected to move on to the next class which is the workers/stewardship class.
4. Stewardship Class – 8 Weeks
This class is designed to prepare members who desire to serve as stewards in KICC. Only those who have attended the membership class and have been accepted as members are allowed to attend this class. The class lasts for a period of 8 weeks and after completion, workers class students will be required to attend a compulsory workers interview and if successful, their names and department of stewardship will be placed on the church notice board.

Criteria for Attendance
• You must be born again
• You must desire to serve as a steward
• Possess a high level of spirituality i.e. speaking in tongues
• Must be committed to the vision of KICC
• Must be dedicated to duty
After completion of these classes, students are expected to move on to the next class which is the Discipleship class.
5. Discipleship Class
This class is designed for those who have attended the baptism, membership and stewardship class. The class holds all year round with no duration.

Criteria for Attendance
Must have attended baptism, membership and stewardship classes.